ESORMA books are easily accessible and low cost available exclusively from Amazon.
The print editions are recommended as the books contain questions for you to complete, in particular the Quickstart guide, the workshop and the book of 50 blank Risk Templates.
Vitally these books help ESORMA to provide a stronger platform for management and cybersecurity practitioner. Each book is a straightforward communication of what must be done. This is great with each other, the workforce, remote suppliers and even customers too.
Being able to distribute books and workbooks by post to individual team members and colleagues saves time, aggravation and money. It can even position the exercise as a gift. You can send a book via Amazon wrapped and with a personal note too.
Putting a workbook into the hands of a team member has obvious benefits. Plus, it can be as immediate as a day or two, with no need to wait for the usual bureaucratic time delays as costs are so low.